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05 февраля 2014

Кишинёв · USAID Local Government Support Project in Moldova вакансии компании »

Пол Опыт работы
мужской от 2 лет


The USAID Local Government Support Project in Moldova (LGSP) is soliciting offers for Elaboration of web-platform template of LGSP partner towns. With the oversight of the LGSP, the Subcontractor will develop the web-platform template to be used within partner towns.

The subcontractor will have the following main responsibilities:
• Conduct needs assessment.
• Develop the Local Public Aadimistration (LPA) web-platform template, based on the needs assessments results and LGSP guidelines.
• Conduct testing of the developed web-platform.
• Develop the LPA web-platform User's Handbook, containing the administra-tor's as well as the content manager's guides as well as the LPA web-platform instaliation guidelines.
• Install the LPA web-platform on the servers of 14 mayoralties and assist LPA representatives in personalizing the website.
• Provide to LGSP an archived package containing:
a) the LPA web platform instaliation files (and source code);
b) LPA web platform User's Handbook.
• Deliver training for the Administrators and Content Managers of the 14 LGSP partner towns on the use of the LPA web-platform.

Requirements for the Applicants
1. Legally registered entity in Moldova.
2. At least 5 years of experience in the field of software and web development.
3. Proven experience in web-development based on open source CMS platforms (Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal, or other).
4. Strong dedication for development of reliable and user-friendly web solutions.
5. Qualified Personnel with relevant experience in the area.

Interested entities should request the detailed terms of reference at email.
Deadline for submission of proposals is February 7, 2014, COB.

For additional questions, please contact:
Cornelia Ciofu, lOF/Procurement Manager

E-mail cciofu@Igsp.md
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