04 апреля 2014
Кишинёв · International вакансии компании »
- Efectuare montaj, punere in functiune, lucrari de mentenanta Masini si Automatizari Industriale
- Participarea impreuna cu partenerii nostri internationali la proiecte de relocare linii de productie, demontare si instalare roboti industriali,
punere in functiune si asigurare operatii de mentenanta.
- Constitue avantaj familiarizarea cu sistemele de comanda PLC si CNC.
- Furnizare de solutii tehnice ce au drept scop optimizarea echipamentelor de productie.
The company iSinternationalsrl. is an innovative, young, internationally successful, high- committed, family-owned company, specialized in the different branches of industry.
iSinternational offers its customers qualified service and assists them by the increase of productivity and competitive power.
We are flexible. Our employees are multilingual, very enthusiastic and extremely well-trained, providing very secure services, that meet the needs of various companies in the technical sector all over the world. Through our international employees, we help as well our customers to improve the cost-efficiency enhancement.
- Constituie un avantaj cunostinte de lb. Engleza si/sau lb. Germana
office@isinternational.ro | |
Веб-сайт | isinternational.ro |
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