24 февраля 2014
Кишинёв · Hotel Europa вакансии компании »
Administratia hotelului Europa anunta concurs pentru postul de receptionista.
Studii superioare;
Cu sau fara experienta;
Foarte bune cunostinte de operare a computerului;
Cunoasterea limbii romane, ruse, engleze obligatorie (scris, citit, vorbit)
Abilitati foarte bune de comunicare si negociere, planificare si organizare;
Capacitate de a lua decizii rapide, eficiente si responsabile;
Hotel administration Europe announces contest for the post of receptionist:
Bachelor degree;
With or without experience;
Very good knowledge of computer operation;
Knowledge of Romanian, Russian, English mandatory (reading, writing, speaking)
Very good communication skills and negotiation, planning and organization;
Ability to make quick decisions, effective and accountable;
Pleasant appearance
Va rog mult transmiteti cv-ul dvs. +poza la posta electronica.
Телефон |
+373 22 804040
info@europahotel.md | |
Веб-сайт | europahotel.md |
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