11 decembrie 2015
Chişinău · DOPOMOGA GROUP joburile companiei »
Sex | Experienţa |
Orice | de la 5 ani |
- Bachelor`s degree Finance & Accounting;
- 5 years working experience in accounting and finance with at least 1 years supervisory experience;
- Solid knowledge compliance regulations for organization;
- Exceptional interpersonal skills, a collaborative style and the ability to communicate effectively at all levels;
- Demonstrated initiative and the ability to work effectively within time constraints;
- Proficient in Microsoft Office software.
The company offers competitive salary, attractive compensation and benefits package, professional development and career opportunities. We are proud of our exciting and engaging atmosphere, innovative technologies and approaches.
If you are interested in this position, please send your CV to the email address: consultant.dopomoga@gmail.com with an indication of position.
For more information call: (+373) 787-08-500.
Telefon |
+373 22 890933
Fax | +373 67 663200 |
consultant.dopomoga@gmail.com |
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