25 december 2013
Chisinau · Oficiu schimbarea climei, Ministerul mediului company jobs »
Age | Sex | Work experience |
from 30 years old | male | from 9 years |
Post title: Team Leader
Project title: Supporting Moldova’s National Climate Change Adaptation Planning Process
Reporting to: Project Manager
Duration of assignment: 30 days (during the months: January–March, 2014)
Starting date: January 6, 2014
Duty station: Chisinau, Moldova
1. Background
The Republic of Moldova’s economy, population, and environment are highly vulnerable to climate variability and change. According to a range of studies, including the Republic of Moldova’s Second National Communication (2nd Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the National Human Development Report (2009/2010 NHDR), the impacts of climate change are expected to intensify as changes in temperature and precipitation affect economic activity.
Responding to the risks posed by climate change requires a coordinated and concerted effort on the part of the Government of Moldova. The three year project “Supporting Moldova’s National Climate Change Adaptation Planning Process” supported by the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) with funding from the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of the Republic of Austria and implemented by UNDP Moldova in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and its Climate Change Office is responding to this need.
The overall goal of the project is to ensure that Moldova has a system and capacities in place for medium-to long term adaptation planning and budgeting with the overall aim to reduce vulnerability of the population and key sectors to the impacts of climate change. The main project objective is to support
Moldova to put in place its National Adaptation Planning process contributing to and building upon existing development planning strategies and processes and to implement priority adaptation actions.
The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) will be based on the National Adaptation Strategy and will be developed through a country-driven, gender-sensitive and participatory process. In order to achieve the project objective, the project interventions are designed to achieve the following outputs: Output 1.
Institutional and policy frameworks for medium- to long-term gender-sensitive adaptation planning and budgeting are in place. Output 2. Institutional and technical capacities for iterative development of NC) and Third National Communication (3-th NC) under the United comprehensive NAP strengthened. Output 3. Adaptation interventions in priority sectors implemented including demonstration projects at a local level to catalyze replication and upscaling.
This assignment will contribute to attainment of the Output 1, which aims a developing country-driven, gender-sensitive and participatory National Adaptation Plan as well as an institutionalised, iterative adaptation planning process, taking into consideration vulnerable sectors, groups, communities and ecosystems and should engage all relevant stakeholders.
Under the framework of the NAP process, the Project is looking for a team of local National Consultants to carry out a comprehensive assessment of key sectors: water, agriculture, health, energy, transport, including the regional development as framework for a larger number of sector policies. The current
ToR is developed for the position of the Team Leader for the sectoral national consultants ‘group. It is expected that the works will be done through intensive consultations with all stakeholders involved in the NAP process. Necessary literature review, policy and documents analysis, as well as multi-
stakeholder round table consultation will be organized to discuss NAP roadmap and process. The NAP process is a cross- sectoral process involving a number of relevant ministries, policy makers, socio-economists, scientists, engineers, NGOs, civil society, therefore it is important to involve these key stakeholders in the process from the very beginning, so that they can understand better NAP roadmap and implementation process.
2. Objectives:
The Overall objective is to support the design an operational nationally-owned roadmap of the NAP process in Moldova and support in the set-up of the NAP coordination mechanism.
Specific objectives:
- Provide substantive guidance, operational and technical management to the team of national consultants performing climate change adaptation sectoral gap analysis and capacity assessments.
- Ensure participation and consultation on climate change adaptation with relevant stakeholders across the sectors.
- Identify the most suitable bodies and mechanisms that can be further strengthened in view of leading the NAP process.
- The results of the assessment to contribute to an operational and financially-sound roadmap to undertake the NAP process in Moldova.
3. Expected outputs are as follows:
In order to achieve the objectives, the Team Leader shall:
- Climate change National Adaptation Planning process strengthened.
- National consultants’ engagement and ongoing liaison with relevant national, sectoral, regional and local stakeholders and project partners coordinated.
- NCs participatory consultation process with stakeholders in Moldova through interviews, discussions and workshops guided.
- In collaboration with NCs team, the most suitable bodies and mechanisms that can be further strengthened in view of leading the NAP process identified.
4. Duties and responsibilities:
- The Team Leader will support the overall coordination of the NAP process and its institutional set-up
- The Team Leader will guide and oversee the consultants’ team planning process.
- The Team Leader will have the responsibility for coordination and quality control of all NCs deliverables, according to their ToRs prior to submission to the Project Manager.
- With support from the managing staff, maintain effective communication among group members, organize NCs meetings, discussions on assignment topics.
- Ensure planning and timely delivery of all NCs assignment results according to the agreed timetable.
- The Team Leader will coordinate, in partnership with national consultants, the stakeholder consultations roundtables and workshops. For this purpose, the Team Leader will develop a sample survey to be tailored to each particular sector.
- Ensure that in the current assignment NCs apply both sector and cross-sector approaches.
- The Team Leader will be responsible for reviewing and analyzing the information contained in NCs reports. Ensure compilation of national consultants’ reports in one comprehensive assessment report that will serve as basis for the development of Moldova’s NAP roadmap.
- Coordinate all technical inputs related to the current assignment of the Activity 1.1(Output 1) of the Project.
- Provide progress reports to the Project Manager.
5. Deliverables:
- January, 2014 - Detailed work plan of NCs team, including meetings with stakeholders and time schedule of NCs deliverables.
- January - February, 2014 - Sample survey with further incorporation of sector specific aspects for performing stakeholders’ consultation on sectoral gap analysis and capacity assessment developed.
- February , 2014 - Assessment reports of sectoral NCs reviewed and substantive feedback provided.
- February , 2014 - Multi-sector round table and workshop on stakeholders’ consultation of climate change adaptation sectoral and cross sectoral gaps analysis and capacity assessment results held.
- February, 2014 – March, 2014 - Upon consultations and receipt of adjusted NCs reports, compile a comprehensive NAP assessment report.
- February, 2014 - March, 2014 - Institutional bodies and mechanisms that can be further strengthened in view of leading the NAP process identified
- March, 2014 - Final report submitted
6. Organizational arrangements
The selected Tea Leader is expected to work in a close cooperation with the national counterparts and the Project team, and regularly keep them updated on the progress. The consultant shall work under the guidance of the International Consultant and Team Leader, and under the supervision of the Project Manager.
National consultants of the selected sectors, who correspond to the qualifications mentioned in the current
ToR of Team Leader and have available time, may apply for both positions: sector consultant and Team Leader.
7. Qualifications required:
A national consultant with the following qualifications shall be engaged to undertake the assessment working in accordance with the planned schedule. The consultant will sign an agreement with Climate Change Office, Ministry of Environment, and Republic of Moldova and will be bound by its terms and
conditions set in the agreement.
- Advanced university degree in the area of environmental sciences, management, or related to assessed sector or fields, e.g.
- A good understanding of climate change adaptation, sectoral and cross-cutting issues;
- Good knowledge of local and regional context;
- Experience of working with sectoral policies/plans on a large scale and good knowledge of relevant sectors;
- Experience of working with government representatives at national and sub-national levels, NGO, civil society, academia, private business;
- Demonstrated experience in managing team of experts working with sectoral and government institutions;
- Solid analytical and conceptual skills and the ability to think creatively;
- Proven experience of compiling reports in an accurate and concise manner, and public presentation skills;
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills;
- Fluency in oral and written Romanian, good command of English and Russian is desirable.
8. Payment schedule:
20% upon submitting the detailed work schedule for the assignment and consequent approval of UNDP (not later than 15 days after the start of assignment);
40% after submitting the progress report on Sector Situation Analysis (midterm assignment);
40% after carrying out roundtable and submitting the final report on Sector Situation Analysis and consequent clearance/approval by UNDP.
Interested persons should submit their CVs by 17:00h, December, 22, 2013 to the following address:
1. By Mail: 156A, Mitropolit Dosoftei St., MD-2004, Chisinau, Climate Change Office of the Ministry of Environment, off. 37
2. By E-mail
3. By fax.
Only those shortlisted will be contacted.
График работы: Full time
Fax | +373 22 232247 |
clima@mediu.gov.md |
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