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04 august 2014

Customer support representative

Chisinau · DevelopmentAid company jobs »

We are currently seeking a Customer Support Representative, to join our consultancy unit – DevelopmentAid, in our Chisinau office. The Customer Support Representative handles customers’ inquiries, answering their questions and helping resolve different issues.

- Offer technical/informative support to customers (emails and online chat);
- Offer assistance to the sales department;
- Lead generation and nurturing (emails);
- Manage information (administration tool/CRM).

- At least one year of working experience in the related field;
- Excellent English, both written and spoken. Additional language skills would be highly advantageous;
- Good communication skills, feeling comfortable on the phone and face to face with prospects;
- Very good online research and computer skills;
- Hardworking, resourceful, pro-active and willing to learn along the working process.

- Work in a young and promising team based in Chisinau, with a possibility of career growth;
- Sales and customer relations trainings;
- Attractive salary package (fix pay + bonuses);
- Full benefits package.

If you are interested please send your CV, marked with the job code CSR-DA, to: a.platon@europeansolutions.nl
For more information, call us at: 060 122 995

Phone number
+373 60 122995
E-mail a.platon@europeansolutions.nl
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