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13 iulie 2019

Austria - Russia · HaroldKF joburile companiei »

The most interesting of the life of the masters and their customers!
We are waiting for interesting stories from you in the proposed news)

Beauty Mafia - blog without a delicate glow and sperm watches. Just like you, I try to comprehend the mysteries of smooth arrows, shiny hair and cool skin.

Here we jointly admire colored hair, unusual arrows and share passwords, passwords, where you can find black lipstick or turquoise mascara. How to curl eyelashes and not tear them to hell? Could neil art not be in amorous rosettes? Why are red arrows normal?

In the Beauty Mafia we ask ourselves daily with similar questions, and we also look at really beautiful hairstyles, make-up, and occasionally read reviews on cosmetics in the local regions.

All the best from beauty bloggers. Welcome!


Vse samoye interesnoye iz zhizni masterov i ikh kliyentov!
Zhdom interesnyye istorii ot vas v predlozhennyye novosti)

B'yuti Mafiya - blog bez delikatnogo svecheniya i spermosvotchey. Tak zhe kak i vy, ya pytayus' postignut' tainstva rovnykh strelok, blestyashchikh volos i klassnoy kozhi.

Zdes' my sovmestno vostorgayemsya tsvetnymi volosami, neobychnymi strelkami i delimsya yavkami-parolyami, gde mozhno otyskat' chernuyu pomadu ili biryuzovuyu tush'. Kak zavit' resnitsy i ne vyrvat' ikh chertovoy materi? Mozhet li neyl-art byt' ne v lyubveobil'nykh rozochkakh? Pochemu krasnyye strelki - eto normal'no?

V B'yuti Mafii my yezhednevno zadayemsya podobnymi voprosami, a yeshche smotrim na deystvitel'no krasivyye pricheski, makiyazh i periodicheski chitayem otzyvy na zavalyavshuyusya v mestnykh krayakh kosmetiku.

Vso samoye luchsheye ot b'yuti blogerov. Dobro pozhalovat'!

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