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15 octombrie 2015

Moldova - · Thabile joburile companiei »

Airing a show about demonic focers is exactly how you reinforce the Captain America agenda. You can rip apart the Bible and Jesusians if, as a consequence of this attack, the overall narrative supports “Christianity”, or “family”, or “America”. It doesn’t matter if the bad guys win as long as you know they are the bad guys. You lost me. Captain America agenda ? Is that some sort of slang for the religious right? I guess it depends on what Captain America you're referring to. More accurately it should be slang for peace loving socialists, which is why you lost me at first. If I understand the rest of your paragraph, your point is that Disney is only allowed to attack Christianity if the attack is within the parameters/paradigm of Christianity. This is probably less cause and effect and more correlation. Most writers are as lazy and uncreative as everyone else. If you've got a narrative that makes it easy, and your rehashed old plot is guaranteed to be somewhat popular because of how edgy it will be perceived, then there's no need to be actually creative and work hard to think of new and interesting ideas.

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